Mallinson Girls School 4.5 (362)

Mallinson Girls School is located in Srinagar in Kashmir Valley. The school was founded by Ms Fitze Mallinson in 1912 at Fateh Kadal and later shifted to Lal Chowk in…

Tyndale Biscoe School 4.6 (380)

Tyndale Biscoe School is a school in the Sheikh Bagh, in the Lal Chowk area of Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir, India. The school was founded in 1880 CE and is…

Coppersmith in Kashmir

Kashmir Copperware 4.9 (190)

Kashmir is a treasure trove of handicraft, heritage and natural beauty.Among the elegant treasure Kashmir possesses is Kashmiri Copperware (locally known as kandkari Work). Copperware known as Traam has been…

Alliez Tours Website

Alliez Tours 4 (34)

Alliez Tours is a full-service travel company with reputation for excellence is earned every day by providing the ultimate in value and personal attention. We strive to make travel simple,…

Register on Kashmir Online

Register 4.5 (80)

Register on Kashmir Online to get started on your Journey to Success, Entrepreneurship and Personal Growth. We offer many Freebies for our Members and Customers.

Kashmir Online Awards

Winners 5 (1)

Kashmir Online Web Awards We honor the Talent, Services and Companies with exceptional  Quality

Zero Bridge Fine Dining 4 (70)

Combining art with cuisine: Rizvi's food that stimulates imagination in just served at Zero Bridge Fine Dining While managing this new venture, Rizvi’s first love still remains the art and…